Tuesday, November 3, 2015

IMRaD intro and methods

            College has always been known to be some of the best times of someone’s life, and also some of the most stressful.  A great deal of studies cover the effects of partying and health on GPA, but not many studies have taken a look at the stress of college students.  Stress can have a major role in the well being in someone’s life and success in school. Because of this it is important to know understand how class and studying workload affects a student’s stress level.  Also, to know how this stress can effect performance.
            In a study performed in 2008, by the University of Minnesota, it was found that stress is the factor that has the biggest effect on the GPA’s of students in college.  It is known that stress is a huge factor in academic performance, however there are many different sources of stress for college students, especially freshman.  There is a gap in this research because what things can people control that will allow them to be less stressful and more successful.  A factor that plays a large role in the stress of many college students is the workload of class and studying.  But no one has looked into how the work that is put in and required for classes can affect the stress, and eventually the grades of students.
            To fill this gap in knowledge, a new study surveyed 20 college freshman at the University of Iowa.  In this survey they wee asked about there workload in the classroom and time spent studying or doing homework along with how they rated their stress level, and their academic performance.  This new research will give an insight to the relationship between the workload in hours spent on school to the academic performance.
            20 college students from the University of Iowa participated in this study.  All of these students were freshman.
Data Sources & Procedures:
            The data was collected by handing out surveys on paper.  Surveys were anonymous and required students to input their semester hours and how many hours, on average, they spent studying in a week per semester hour.  Also, students were asked to rate their stress level and academic performance on a scale provided in each question.
Data Analysis:

            To gain the conclusions from this, the data was analyzed for the correlation between the work load and stress levels of the University of Iowa freshman.  The number of hours spent in class was compared to the stress level.  The number of hours spent studying per week was compared to the stress level of the students.  Also, the total number of hours on academics (time in class + time spent studying/on homework) was analyzed with the stress levels of students.


  1. This paper clearly justifies the topic. This paper also does a great job of stating the research questions, keeping the same tone throughout. In addition to this the paper clearly outlines headings, and describes how results will be analyzed.

    Even though this was a very well written paper, some other minor things could have been added including: Why you wanted to conduct this research and possibly another question asking if the student had any unrelated factors that contributed to stress. In this way the survey would be full-proof

  2. Overall, I enjoyed reading these two parts of your paper. One suggestion I have is to make sure you read over you paper because there were few grammatical and typo errors, which should be easy to fix. Other than grammatical and typos i thought it was very well written.

  3. You did clearly specify why the topic is important but you also need to incorporate the research questions into your introduction so the reader knows what you asked to the participants. Also, try to incorporate past research on your topic so that you can use it to lead up to where you identify your gap.
    You do use clear headings and identify all of the needed categories. Your participants section is specific and precise as well as how the data was analyzed. You went into good detail but try to use a little more professional tone throughout the intro and methods sections.
