Thursday, November 5, 2015

introduction revisions

College is known to be the best and most stressful time in someone’s life.  Stress has a major role in someone’s personal life and success in school. It is important to understand how class and studying workload affects student’s stress level and performance.  In a study performed in 2008, by the University of Minnesota, it was found that stress has the biggest effect on a student’s GPA (Marcotty).  There are many different sources of stress for college students, especially freshman. 

A gap in this research is that people don’t know what factors they control that impacts stress. Class workload and studying are big factors in stress.   No one has looked into how workload affects the stress and grades of students.  This study surveyed 20 college freshmen at the University of Iowa who were asked about workload, stress, and academic performance.  This research will provide insight into how workload and stress affect academic performance.

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