Wednesday, September 2, 2015

First 3 Sources

Source 1-
                  This is a non-academic source. The genre for this source I believe to be an instructional piece that reports to the reader how to write in accounting and finance. I plan to use this information to outline what types of writing that you would be expected to write. As well as the types, I plan to go over the characteristic of an effective writer in the accounting and finance field.

Source 2-
                  This is an academic source from the peer reviewed and in the Journal of Econometric Society.  The genre of this piece is a report.  The piece reports the findings of there quantitative models of economic fluctuation.  I intend to use this piece to analyze and describe how accounting and business professional s communicate their findings to each other through academic writings.  I will also highlight and note the way they use mathematical formulas in the writing.

Source 3-

                  This is and academic writing from the Journal of Corporate Finance and Accounting.  This piece is an argumentative writing which argues that companies are largely undervalued according to the accounting and finance professions when they leave human capital off their balance sheets.  I believe I can use this to show how someone would argue a point or practice that is used in the profession of accounting or finance.  They way the author covers the issue and then tries to provide a solution to the problem.

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