Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Three sources analysis

Three of the resources I will use in my informational report are an accounting balance sheet, an accounting expense form, and an article about adverse effect and its relationship with the accounting and finance fields.  The first resource I will use is an accounting balance sheet. The purpose was to communicate the financial status of the company and the status of the owner’s equity.  The audience is clearly the owners and the genre is a numerical spread sheet.  The media used is paper/pdf.  The next source I found is an expense form from the Central Washington University. The purpose of the form is to be a record for both the organization and the purchaser. The genre of this is a numerical and word report of the transaction and the media is paper copy.  My final source that I have found is an article from the Journal of Accounting literature.  This article tries to illustrate the relationship between adverse selection, accounting filed, and finance field. The article focuses on the financial accounting fields as the main audience.   The genre is a situational analysis that uses both paragraph explanations paired with equation and graphs. One interesting thing I will likely point out in my report is the use of the equations integrated into the paragraphs and sentences.

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