Saturday, September 5, 2015

Interview Questions

1.         What is your educational background?
2.         What is your career background?
3.         How much writing do you do in your field?
4.         What genre/type (ex. Report, poem, instructions, letters, etc.) of writing do you use most in your profession?
5.         Were there any classes you took that you believe helped you to become a successful writer in your position? If so what were those classes?
6.         What were some things you learned about writing for your work that you learned in your early years as professional?
7.         How does your position affect the way that you write?
8.         What genre/type of writing do you use most in your position?
9.         How does your audience affect your writing?
10.   How important is writing and communicating effectively through writing in your position?
11.   What Skills do you possess that you believe makes you an effective writer?

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